Friday 13 March 2015


Kitchen if constructed as per Vastu principles, gives good health to the family members and ensures good financial position too. 

Kitchen should be constructed south east zone of the house for ensuring better living in the south east zone we get benefic rays from the sun which destroy harmful germs, since this is Agni kona and in kitchen Agni is there so we get better results in case it is not possible to provide the kitchen in the south east zone, north west zone is the second best option but the kitchen in the north west zone may lead to more expenditure and even wastage of meals. Kitchen should not be provided above or under the bedroom, toilet and even Pooja room. The door of the kitchen , if opposite to the bed room may give bad health.

The planning of the kitchen should be done in such a manner that while cooking we should face towards east and water taps should be provided in the north east zone freeze should be kept in the north west zone and electrical appliances should be provided in the south east corner. Entry to the kitchen should be from the north east, east, or north. Water disposal should be in the north east corner, exhaust fan should also be provided in the kitchen . Take care that kitchen should be cleaned at night and all the utensils should be cleaned. Floor slope should also be in the east , north or north east. Providing aahuti to the fire of the first thing we cook will add to the prosperity.

Remedies :

  1. Kitchen should be cleaned with sea salt regularly.
  2. If the kitchen is not in the prescribed zone as per vastu keep cooper utensil filled with water under the Gas Stove and through this water in the soil at night.
  3. If it is not possible to keep the a electric appliances in the south east, put a red bulb in the south east zone for better results.
  4. If gas stove is not in the south east zone create a compartment with pyra belt for better results.