Monday, 28 July 2014


In my previous post i have discussed the utility and flow of energy in a plot / house . Square and rectangular plots are considered good for strong energy  waves if the length and breadth ratio is more than 2:1 weak field is created length and breadth is to be maintained by construction of wall in a plot. Extensions in different directions give different results as  under :

Extension in the North East corner is considered very good since North East corner is goverened by planet Jupiter which is a KARKA for wisdom, expansion.Jupiter also reprsents financial position and progeny, this zone is considered for overall prosperity of a man .Jupiter is a natural benefic and gives overall prosperity . If the plot is extended towards North side we get financial growth and if extension is towards east side we get name and fame and if extension is on the both sides we get overall prosperity.It is seen that extension in the North East corner is very good for all purposes.

Extension in the North West side , this side is a vayaya kone and is being represented by planet MOON , in this zone extension gives bad results whether in the North side or West side. Moon also represents finances and in case of extensions unnecessary travelling and wasteage of money may effect the resisdents, in addition to this Vata (Vayu) related dieases may infulence the resisdents like high blood presure, indigestion, urinary problems.Extension in this zone should be avoided to protect the resisdents from negative results. The extension in this zone becomes more dangerous , if it is affected by Veedhi Shoola between North West and North.

Extension in the South West , this zone is represented by RAHU which is Natural Malefic , extension in this zone whether towards South or West or In auspicious and should be avoided this zone is considered for stability of the house and if extended may give malefic results like undiagnosed dieasese, uncureable dieases, mental tensions, financial losses.Balconies, veranda , if provided in this zone is totally inauspious and effect the health of head of the family and childern.

Extension in the South East  , this is agni kone and extension whether towards South or East is inauspious ,this zone is represented by  VENUS which represents ladies of the house  and in case of extension ladies and childern get bad results , extension in this zone may give fire accidents and litigations, extension in this zone should be avoided for the well being of the resisdent.   


If the house is extended towards any zone whose extension is not recommended as per VASTU principle should be disconnected by constructing wall , pyramids or any other method adopted in VASTU.    

Friday, 25 July 2014


Various planets governing health and their respective zones are responsible for causing health problems. Moon is indicative of flow of blood , mind and eyes . Urinary problem and it represents North west zone of the house.

 Mercury which represents North represents vein and skin.North East zone is being represented by Jupiter and karka of obesity and respiratory and cancer problems . East is represented by sun and cause facial diseases, eye problems , bone problems ,heart problems. South East zone is represented by Venus and represents kidney, sexual organs,  eyes , diabetes. South zone is represented by mars and gives blood related deficiencies . South West zone is represented by RAHU and is karka of chronic diseases . It is generally seen that if there is VASTU fault in the North East and South west, North and South, East and West the diseases multiply. The central portion of the house is known as Brahama Sthan gives diseases pertaining to stomach.

Various possible Vastu Faults in the House:
  1. Extension of North West,reduction of North West Veedhi Shool between North and North West
  2. Extension of South West,reduction of South West Veedhi Shool.
  3. Extension or reduction of South East Veedhi Shool between East and South East.
  4. Defective West and Defective South also gives health problems.
In addition to above under ground water tank in the South West or South East is main cause of chronic diseases resulting into heavy financial losses and mental peace.
  • Main door if obstructing inflow of energy may cause diseases .
  • Dirty water in front of the house also cause various diseases
  • Wrong Slopes in the house also cause diseases.

Different zones in the house give diseases to the person they represents Defective South East is unfavorable to house ladies, North East to the children and South West to the Head of the family.        North west zone also represents air zone and gives problem VATA related, North East cough related and South East pita related.

Remedies :
  1.  Provide light on entrance pillars of your boundary wall.
  2.   There should be no clutter in the house.
  3.   Roof of the house should be clean.
  4.   Under ground water tank should be in its proper zone and it should be cleaned regularly .
      Sleeping position should as per vastu principles.
  5.   Extensions and Reductions should be maintained by vastu remedies by use of pyramids  or    any other method.
  6. Pakua/Pyramid or Mirror can be used at the entrance of main door to contour the blockage/ Veedhi Shool outside the house.
  7.   Entrance should be protected from Veedhi Shools.
  8.   Over head tank should be kept at proper place ie. South West , West, South or North West.
  9.   There should be no toilet in the North East.
  10.   Avoid kitchen in the South West.
  11.   Use Trishakti at the main door.
  12.   To worship Roganashaka Ganapati.
  13.   Couple should not sleep in the North East.
  14.   Face towards East while taking meal.
  15.   Do not sleep in the basement.
  16.   Do not sit or sleep under the beam.

Monday, 21 July 2014


Finances is the main necessity today, insufficient earning , wasteful expenditures and unnecessary loans are the major problems which give stress and may decay even the health of the person which is another source of drainage of hard earned much needed money. Here are some VASTU principles for financial health.

North zone is allocated for financial growth lord of this direction is INDRA and planet is MERCURY. North is also considered for its contribution for supplying positive energy.

North East  This zone is allocated for overall prosperity, the deity of this zone is lord SHIVA and planet is JUPITER . Jupiter is karka of wisdom, finances and progeny, Jupiter is also giver of religious education.

For financial growth and profession , these two zones are to be maintained since we get the energy from these zones they should be kept open light and filth free.

In VASTU we consider water as the karka of finances and North-East zone is also a water zone.

Under ground water tank is the major source for VASTU prosperity, if provided in a right zone and counters maximum vastu faults. Similarly under ground water tank, if provided in a wrong zone for example South West or South East gives maximum negative effects . Under ground water tank should maintained neat and clean water, if water is dirty it will start giving bad results for finances.let us have some detailed information for financial challenges:-

  1. Slopes is the main principle on which VASTU works and as per VASTU slopes should be from South to North and West to East, South West to North East, they will provide good financial strength and financial challenges, if slope is reverse.
  2. Regular shapes i.e Square or Rectangular are good for finances and irregular shapes disturb financial positions.
  3. Over head tank should not be in the North East , North or East for financial growth, if provided financial losses and stress disturbs the residents.
  4. Toilet in the North East is the worst thing for finances and overall prosperity cannot be accepted in any case.
  5. Kitchen in the North East worst thing for finances and overall prosperity cannot be accepted in any case.Since fire in the water zone is inimical position and destroyer of house peace.
  6. Extensions in the West , South West and North West are not good for financial growth.
  7. T and Y junctions in the negative zones gives bad results for finances.
  8. Corner of a building hitting the main building also gives financial loses.
  9. Shadow of  large building or tree on the under ground water tank gives financial challenges.
  10. Drainage from the improper zone is also destroyer of money and peace.
  11. Under ground water tank on the axis is also cause of destruction for money and house peace.
  12. Enternce door and exit door opposite to each other indicates no saving of a family.
  13. Toilet in front of the main door is also indicator of loss of money.
  14. Fast traffic outside the house does not allow the family to save.


  1. Keeping North East , East and North open and at low level from South West , West and South will ensure financial stability.
  2. Avoid cuts in the North East and North , existing cuts should be maintained by the use of Pyramids.
  3. Yellow co lour can add strength to the under ground tank in the wrong zone and pyramids can be used for negating the bad effects of under ground tanks.
  4. Lights provided on the main gate will reduce the ill effects of VASTU dosh at main entrance.
  5. Flushing of toilets regularly minimum three times a day will reduce the ill effects of toilets
  6. Use of mirrors in the North and outside the building to counter the  effects of negative things.
  7. Clutter , if in the house should be removed immediately 


Friday, 18 July 2014


In today’s fast moving world there is no time to rest and things become worse when we are not having a comfortable sleep .Sages has given guidelines in VASTU principles where we can have comfortable sleep and increases our capacity to work in day time as explained earlier we have two source of energy one is magnetic energy coming from north and cosmic energy coming from east, i a human body we take head as north and feet as south.


            Since head represents north and feet represents south , if we sleep by keeping our                  head towards north sleep will be disturbed , since like poles repel each other and if we             sleep with feet towards north this is a good position when energy enters from our feet            and is stored in our head and we get sound sleep which is very good for maintaining                  good health and even after few hour sleep we are quite fit to accept the daily                              challenges.


Children have to remember lot of things due to their studies while sleeping with head rest towards east their mind will be able to retain their studies and they will feel fresh in the morning for day today’s work. 
This will also help them in maintaining good health


          If you sleep with head rest towards west you will get comfortable sleep but bad dreams        may be the problem.To avoid bad dreams keep water utensil filled with fresh water                 under your bed and put this water in plants or at a place where it should not come under         feet or disrespect never uses water for drinking.

In addition to above the beds should be approximately three inch away from the wall, there should not be more space between the beds and wall , there should not be any beam or projection over the head.

Vastu does not recommended the use of box type beds however if these cannot be avoided do not place sharp tools knife etc in the box. Shoes, used utensils, alcohol, aquarium is also not recommended in the bedroom . The dressing table should be placed in such a manner so that while sleeping body's is not visible in the glass. TV should be placed in such manner so that it should not come in front of the beds. Guest should not be invited into the bedrooms.Beds should not come directly in front of the main door. 

- Vinod Kumar Vyas

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


“what is the necessity of Vastu Study ?” because any vastu loving person can get the vastu done from Vastu Consultant  for your curiosity i will try to deliberate as under :-

  1. What is Vastu ? :  As discussed earlier vastu is full utilisation of energy, i.e five elements
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Wind
  • Space

Vastu deals with selection of land, Orientation, Veethi  Shoolas, Roads around the Plots, Extension and Reductions

Vastu Shastra is written by Indian Sages in Vedas for the well being of mankind.

In these days the major problems are

  1. Stress
  2. Disease
  3. Financial Instability
  4. Chronic Dieses
  5. Accidents
  6. Martial Problem

2. Utilization of Vastu :

Vastu can be utilise for purchase of plot , house and planning of house while construction are full utilisation of positive energy by interior layout even placing of photographs and domestic utilities like Fridge, TV, Sofa, Beds, etc. Water source in a house is of great importance for giving positive and negative results.

3.   Vastu Study is Essential -  Why ?

As i have already written above the Vastu loving people cannot make full use Vastu since they cannot call the vastu expert to their residence everyday and can cause mistakes due to lack of knowledge . The house is having same five elements of which the body is made of and while placing the domestic utilities we shall have to see that fire elements like Refrigerator, Inverter  should be in the fire zone and water pots should be in the water zone, air zone can be utilised for computers etc and earth zone should be maintained by keeping  treasury and remedies done by Vastu Experts for example to remove cuts and extensions are to be maintained for good Vastu effect.

Monday, 14 July 2014


Whenever a child takes birth , his horoscope is prepared according to the planetary position of  PLANETS and RASHIS . Man completes his journey of life according to the YOGAS and RAJ YOGAS present in the horoscope of the native . But only study of horoscope  and its remedies may not give full results for peaceful living of mankind.

Our sages gave us guidelines for astrology and vastu. It is said that भगवान  made this word and a balanced combination of five elements:-

भ - भूमि 
ग - गगन 
अ  - अग्नि 
व  - वायु 
न  - नीर 

The balanced combination of these five elements makes the life happy and joyful .
We get solar energy from SUN and magnetic energy from movement of EARTH.
Solar energy comes from EAST and magnetic energy comes from NORTH . 
The combination of these two energies in the NORTH-EAST, which is the main zone of prosperity.
According to MATSYA PURAN ,there was a war between lord SHIVA and devil ANDHKASUR .
The war continued for long time and when lord SHIVA was relaxing end of the day, a DATYA KAAYA took birth and started fighting in favor of lord SHIVA . ANDHKASUR was killed and this DATYA KAAYA started roaming freely which was not tolerated by the DEVAS. The DEVAS complained to the all mighty ,who decided that 45 dieties should sit on the back of the DATYA  and throw him on the earth. the DATYA KAAYA  asked the all mighty about his fault. The all mighty said that there is no fault of you but DEVAS donot accept you here. However , all mighty gave the वरदान to him that you will be known as VASTU PURUSH. Whosoever  construct a house ,shall workship you before starting the construction and will offer you भोग and you will bless them with prosperity and people who donot offer prayer to you and start construction , you can punish them according to your wish. That is why you might have seen that some people die during construction work and some cannot enjoy their new constructed house due to transfer etc.

There are some like minded people who work on these sciences , one is
Who is affording opportunity to learn through their chapters in number of cities.
CHANDIGARH chapter  is  holding its classes for astrology and allied sciences on saturday and sunday for aspirants .


Vastu-Shastra is  an illuminating feature of Indian Architecture, culture and tradition. It is increasingly accepted all over the world as it has proved extremely beneficial. Vastu Shastra and allied sciences of Astrology are an integral part of alternative system of art of living as a whole. Steps have been taken to translate this knowledge into practical remedies for common man through regular course in Vasti- Shastra. This course is specially designed to make this science compatible to the present day to day requirement of a common man. The Course is completed in one year consisting of two Semesters as under:

First Semester

COURSE DURATION                                                       Five Months

COURSE FEE                                                                     Rs. 5000/-(Rs. Five Thousand Only)
                    Fee is payable in one instalment in cash                                along with admission form.
                Sundays                                                               1:00 P.M To 2:30 P.M.
MEDIUM OF TEACHING                                              English and Hindi
Ø  Introduction of Vastu Science:- Effects of cosmic energy and its centralization Vastu Purusuh, direction and use of magnetic compass.

Ø  Selection of Land :- The atmosphere around the land, shape of plot, inclination of land, vithi, Angles of land, Pathway to plot, Testing of land, Direction analysis of plot.

Ø  Vastu Vedh :- Obstruction of the main gate , obstruction due to tree, shadow , tap, pole, building, road and other miscellaneous things.

Ø  Home Vastu Analysis :- The source of water, storage of water, exit of water, Boundry wall, Doors, Windows and Ventilations, Stairds, Garage, Master Room of houses, Bedroom, Study Room, Dinning  Room, Drawing Room, Guest Room, Worship Room, Kitchen ,Toilets, Bath Rooms, Store, Verendah, Basement, the Brahmasthan.

Ø  Home Vastu Decoration :- The Vastu colors, Auspicious Articles of Vastu , Vastu of flowers , climbers and picture etc.
(Remedies of Vastu)
Ø  Vastu- Planet Relationship :  Introduction of deities, Relationship of planets with direction, Nature of Planets , Results of Planets and Remedies.

Ø  Vastu Fault Analysis : Problem caused by Vastu Fault, Determination of Vastu fault by study of problems of families.

Ø  Remedies for Rectification of Vastu Faults : Remedies by feng shui , Use of Pyramids, Remedies by Vedic Methods, Yantras , auspicious items such as picture, bells, statues etc.

Ø  Environmental Vastu : Appropriate place of trees , fruits, Flowers and plants.
Ø  Practicals : Understanding map, visits to houses and vastu dosh rectification.

Second Semester:

COURSE DURATION                                                        Five Months

COURSE FEE                                                                      Rs. 5000/-(Rs. Five Thousand Only)
                      Fee is payable in one installment
                      along with admission form.
                Sundays                                                               8:30 A.M To 10:00 A.M.
MEDIUM OF TEACHING                                              English and Hindi


Ø  Vastu  For Health.
Ø  Vastu For Environment
Ø  Vastu For Better Finances
Ø  Vastu And Relationships
Ø  Vastu And Astrology.

Ø  Vastu For Offices
Ø  Vastu For Industries
Ø  Vastu For Shops.
Ø   Commercial Complexes.

Ø  Pyramids
Ø  Vastu Corrections Through Feng  Shui
Ø  Colours

Evaluation Of Houses, Factories And Plots
Ø  Visit to Offices, Industries, Schools, Markets.